8ª Semana: 17 - 21/03/2014

Posted by Unknown on 15:38 with No comments

Since March 19th is a holiday in Spain, this second week as a teacher has been a bit shorter than usual. In spite of Wednesday's missed lesson the students keep on learning and internalizing this unit's contents.

- On Monday we reviewed the theory about Reported Speech. I projected a PowerPoint presentation with which the students had to remember and complete the rules as they appeared on the screen. Afterwards I chose some famous and motivational quotes so that the students could report the sayings:

Gandhi said that we had to be the change we wished to see in the world
After this review we checked the homework to consolidate the uses.

- On Friday we went to the high school's Computers Room. There we worked on another use of Reported Speech i.e. reporting what people answered on a survey. For that purpose I used the contents of this blog's entry Reported Speech and Surveys.

First of all we dealt with some vocabulary related to computers so that the students could get used to the new environment. After that we saw an infographic about the world most used social networks with which the students could talk about their previous knowledge.

Later the students could answer the survey about their habits regarding social networks that I created by using the application Google Forms and finally we could comment on the results about their own experience.

I hope the students enjoyed these two lessons and learnt something more about all the contents of the unit!

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